Privacy Policy


Tewkesbury Lodge Estate Residents’ Association (TLERA).
Data Protection and Privacy Policy, May 2018.

1. Membership of the Association
Membership of TLERA is by household and covers all members of that household. The benefits of membership are newsletters and free admittance to social activities arranged by TLERA. In this policy document, the term “Member” is used interchangeably to mean either individual member or member household.
2. Data held by us
We hold the following information about our members:

  • Name
  • Address.
  • E-mail address if provided.
  • Whether subscription has been paid for current and previous years.

Membership is based on address and includes everyone in the household. The information is collected and updated each year as part of the annual subscription process, when we ask for the names of all adults in the household. A member household may choose not to give the names of all adults, so long as we are given one name.
3. Checking the data we hold about you
Members may inspect and correct their data at any time by contacting the membership secretary. Requests will also be passed on by their road representative. The annual subscription reminder letter also provides an opportunity for members to check their data and to correct it if necessary.
If a member wishes to leave the Association, or is moving out of the Estate, they should inform the membership secretary, who will remove their information from the current database. They may also request to have their information removed from the archived copy (see 6).
4. Data security
The data are held in the membership database on a password protected computer and backed up on a password protected Google Drive File Stream. In addition, data are held in a secure Dropbox account, which is only accessible to the Membership Secretary, the Chair, and the Webmaster.
5. Data confidentiality
A member’s data may be shared with members of the Executive Committee and with the member’s road representative. It will not be shared with any third party outside the Association.
6. Data retention
At the end of each financial year a copy of the membership database is archived in our Dropbox account. At the same time, the archived database for the previous year is deleted. Thus the membership database is retained for up to two years. We do this for security, so that the current database can be reconstructed if necessary.
7. E-mails
Members are invited to provide their e-mail addresses. If they do so, these will be used to communicate with them in two ways:

  • E-mails will be sent using MailChimp to all members who have provided their e-mail addresses. These will include neighbourhood police alerts of criminal activity. They will also inform members of news, activities and forthcoming events which may be of interest, whether organised by TLERA or by other local bodies such as the Horniman Museum.
    These e-mails have an ‘unsubscribe’ facility, so that members may choose to stop receiving such mails at any time.
  • Road representatives and members of the Executive Committee might on occasion use a member’s e-mail address to communicate with him or her about a matter concerning that member or their household.

Any member who wishes to have their e-mail address removed from the membership database should either use the ‘unsubscribe’ facility provided by MailChimp or should contact the membership secretary. In either event, their e-mail address will be deleted from the membership database. The MailChimp e-mail address list is revised regularly.
8. Policy review
This policy will be reviewed annually.

Carole Abrahams
Membership Secretary

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